Lina Disparition | What we know about the worrying disappearance of Lina, 15, in Bas-Rhin
The teenager, who has not been heard from since Saturday morning, disappeared while going to the station closest to her home.
A new hunt was organized on Tuesday, but yielded nothing.
Lina, 15,vanished
She vanished on her way to the station. Lina, 15 years old, has not given any sign of life since Saturday, late in the morning, in the area of Saint-Blaise-la-Roche,
a small town of around 230 inhabitants in Bas-Rhin, located a sixty kilometers from Strasbourg.
Alerted around 2 p.m. the same day, the gendarmerie launched a call for witnesses.
An investigation into a worrying disappearance, led by the Saverne public prosecutor’s office, was entrusted to the Strasbourg research section.
The first searches took place on Saturday, with the support of a dog team and a helicopter. They continued on Tuesday September 26. In vain.
A call for witnesses launched on Saturday
In its call for witnesses launched on Saturday, the gendarmerie specified that Lina has shoulder-length blonde hair and is 1m60 tall.
On the day of her disappearance, she was dressed in a gray dress, a white down jacket and white Converse shoes.
The gendarmerie did not release a portrait of the young girl, but referred to an appeal published on a Facebook page, “Info Trafic Bas-Rhin”.
According to the gendarmes, she left on Saturday, around 11 a.m., from her home located in the small town of Plaine,
in the Bruche valley, to go to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station, three kilometers away.
She had to take a train there at 12:03 p.m. towards Strasbourg, to meet her boyfriend. The latter, not seeing her arrive, “immediately alerted the family” of the young girl, reports the Saverne prosecutor’s office.
Lina Disparition | No preferred track
According to the gendarmerie, Lina walked from her home to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station, located three kilometers from her home, using the D350 road.
She then had to take a cycle path on the last part of the journey. Checks carried out on site confirmed that she had not boarded the train,
the Saverne public prosecutor’s office said on Monday.
“Certainly, the path she took from her house to the station is in an area where there aren’t too many houses and there is a little bit of traffic,
but it’s not a cut -gorge”, told BFMTV Patricia Simoni, the mayor of Plaine, the teenager’s town of residence.
No lead is currently favored, according to the Saverne prosecutor, who emphasizes that Lina is not known for running away.
“It’s a family with no particular problem to my knowledge,” assures the mayor of La Plaine to France 3.
“Telephone investigations” were ordered by the prosecution.